
Setting up a company profile on Instagram


Instagram is one of the most popular social media platforms, which at first was mainly used to share one’s own photos, with celebrities, the beautiful or the wealthy leading the way. They showed their lives on the platform and that’s how they won fans. Such a powerful dose of reach could not be ignored, and very quickly companies began to advertise their products precisely by collaborating with famous people who have accounts on Instagram. Of course, having an account as a company was also an important part of this. The app has changed significantly over the years, but it’s still (and perhaps even more so now) a great tool for marketing campaigns and branding.

Step by step.

Instagram is Facebook’s little sister, so it is possible to combine the two accounts into one, but we will cover this issue in another post. The first step should be to download the application from a store such as. Google Play or the App Store. Once we download it to our phone, that’s when we can register. There are two ways to set up a company account on Instagram. First, you can create an account using your Facebook profile. The second option is to create an account by entering an email, password and setting a username. And this option we recommend, as it is always safer to have independent accounts after all.

The name of the account should be well thought out, but it is important that the name of your company is included, so that the different accounts on social media platforms have something in common. Only after registration can you switch to a company account. To do this, go to the application’s settings and under the “account” tab select “go to professional account” and then “company”. Of course, you will also have to choose the category in which you operate.

Account Personalization.

Registration is just the beginning of the journey. Now you need to choose a profile picture, put a bio, and add a link to your website. This is where it’s best to add the site of your store or site where products or services can be ordered. It is best to choose a good quality and properly cropped logo for your profile picture. Then again, it’s also a good idea to keep a consistent image on all social networks.

An equally important element of your profile on Instagram is your bio, as it conveys information about your brand and what you do. It is also one of the first things that the recipient sees , when he enters the company’s profile. How to write a well-structured bio? First of all, a short (one sentence maximum!) information about what you do. Include keywords with it by which you can be found. If you have an official hashtag or brand slogan – add it there. Also use a lot of emoticons and separate text with dots or dashes. Make sure that the whole thing is very clear.

Maintaining an account on Instagram.

In order to effectively market on Instagram and build a brand image, it’s important to stay on top of trends and respond to what’s happening. Of course, jumping from one popular thing to another is not a good strategy, but it is worthwhile sometimes to introduce elements that are currently trending online. As with Facebook, running a company profile on Instagram takes time and commitment. However, as you gain momentum and confidence, you have an excellent space to create relationships with customers and gain new ones.